Is There a Shrimp You Can See Through?

Transparent Anemone Shrimp


In order to find this tiny treasure, you will have to swim very slowly.

If you see an anemone on the ocean floor it’s time to settle down for a long visit. Now lay still and watch for a while you and may have a tiny visitor that lives within the anemone come out to greet you.

Where most creatures except the anemonefish steer clear of anemones because of their toxic stinging cells, this tiny transparent shrimp is thrilled to cohabitate with the anemone.

There are a couple of reasons for this. . .

  1. The tiny shrimp acclimates itself to the toxins or poisons from the anemone by gently bumping around the tentacles and building up an immunity to the toxins.

  2. The shrimp puts an antenna on the anemone to let it know that it is there to help.

The shrimp and the anemone live in a symbiotic relationship by helping each other.

  1. The anemone provides protection and a home for the shrimp.

  2. The shrimp cleans debris and dead tissue from the anemone. This tiny shrimp also excretes nitrogen which helps fertilize the zooxanthellae which are tiny plant-like organisms that live in and provide food for the anemones.

  3. Much of the color in the anemone comes from the zooxanthellae that lives in the tissues of this anemone.

    So on your next dive instead of looking for big schools of fish and sharks, slow down and enjoy the tiny treasures that are all around you.